Septentrionalium partium nova tabula

The map of Nicolo Zeno from his travel book was reprinted with some changes in six Venetian editions of Ptolemy in the latter part of the 16th century, the first one from 1561. The map has been reduced in size and corrected to some extent and it was the publisher, Girolamo Ruscelli, who saw to that. The main changes are that Greenland is separated from Northern Europe because in wake of recent sailings by English seafarers to this area such a connection was obviously wrong. The meridians are marked, few place-names are omitted and others corrected.


Author: Nicolo Zeno | Girolamo Ruscelli
Country: Italy
Year: 1561-1599

Publication 1
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1561
Size: 18×24 cm
Publication 2
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1561
Size: 18×24 cm
Publication 3
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1561
Size: 18×24 cm
Publication 4
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1599
Size: 18×24 cm