An accurate & correct map of Iceland

This map accompanied the book Bref rörande en resa til Island by Uno von Troil, later archbishop in Uppsala, who travelled with Joseph Banks, the British naturalist and explorer and later president of the Royal Society, on his journey to Iceland in 1772. The map of Jón Eiríksson and Gerhard Schøning from the travel-book by Eggert Ólafsson and Bjarni Pálsson is the source. Place-names are not as many because the map has been reduced in scale but other changes are negligible.
The book became popular and was published in many languages including German (1779); English (Letters on Iceland, 1780-83); French (1781) and Dutch (1784). A copy of the map accompanied many of these editions.


Author: Jón Eiríksson | Gerhard Schøning
Country: Britain
Year: 1780

Publication locations: London
Year: 1780
Size: 25,5×32,5 cm