
In the year 1528 Benedetto Bordone published a book, Libro di Benedetto Bordone nel qual si ragiona de tutte l'Isole del mondo con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, in Venice. In later editions the name was changed to Isolario or description of islands. The book is a very important stepping-stone in the history of cartography of Iceland because this is probably the first time that a special map of Iceland appears in a printed book. On the map the distance is most between east and west, it has no place-names and the seven buildings on the coast should probably represent cities. The shape of Iceland is like the one on the maps that accompanied Ptolemy's Geography. The map shown here is from a 1547 edition of the book.


Author: Benedetto Bordone
Country: Italy
Year: 1547

Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1547
Size: 7,4x14,6 cm