Isola d'Islanda

Coronelli was the best-known and most productive cartographer in Italy at the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th, his greatest work being Atlante Veneto where this map is one of many. It appeared for the first time in Corso geografico universale but there it is without the title in the upper right hand corner.
The map is a reduced copy of Joris Carolus', but the forms of the names and other features suggest that the model was the version by Johannes Janssonius rather than that of Willem Janszoon Blaeu. Place-names are considerably fewer than on the original, or just short of 200. Some of them have become badly distorted in the hands of the author or his engravers. Nowhere on the map does there seem to be any evidence of new information about the country.


Author: Vincenzo Coronelli
Country: Italy
Year: 1697

Publication 1
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1697
Size: 22,6×30 cm
Publication 2
Publication locations: Venice
Year: 1697
Size: 22,6×30 cm