
There exists a copy of Abraham Ortelius' version of the map by bishop Gudbrandur Thorláksson which maker was unknown for many years. The map is slightly smaller than the original but is very similar in most respects. The monsters are all in their place but the letters A to Q which marked them are gone. The map has no description of Iceland on the back but in the bottom right hand corner there is short text with information about the country.
It is now known that the maker of this copy was probably a French geographer by the name of Jean Boisseau and that the map was taken from the book Théatre géographique du royaume de France.


Author: Jean Boisseau
Country: France
Year: 1648

Publication 1
Year: 1648
Size: 33,7×48,5 cm
Publication 2
Year: 1648
Size: 33,7×48,5 cm
Publication 3
Year: 1648
Size: 33,7×48,5 cm